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  • Shine Daily content (including any social media and email content) is solely created and written by Blair Carpenter (me), and any opinions expressed are mine alone. Any advice given by Blair should be followed up by additional research from qualified experts, and neither Shine Daily nor Blair Carpenter can be held responsible for your personal safety. Please use your discretion when following advice provided on Shine Daily.

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  • Shine Daily reserves the right to remove, replace, or move any images or content without prior announcement. Site updates and redesigns are possible and may occur periodically. All photos that aren’t taken by Shine Daily/Blair Carpenter, or authorized specifically for use by Shine Daily/Blair Carpenter, are credited to their sources and are believed to be in public domain and readily available on the Internet (published according to the U.S. Copyright Fair Use Act, title 17, U.S. Code). Any photos not credited to another source have been taken by Blair Carpenter (or authorized for my use by the original photographer) and are rights protected. Failure to link back and credit Shine Daily as the source of the photos constitutes a copyright violation.

  • You can absolutely use a few images from Shine Daily as long as they’re credited back to Shine Daily, either by linking the website or the appropriate social media page (tagging on Instagram, sharing directly from the Shine Daily Facebook page, with clear sourcing, etc). If you want to use Shine Daily photos in bulk, even with credit, you MUST obtain express written or recorded permission from Shine Daily beforehand (even if it’s for the purposes of a photo gallery, landing page, roundup, series of posts, or any other feature that duplicates a large portion of content). Failure to obtain this permission and using the photos anyway (even with credit) is prohibited.

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  • Shine Daily’s design, branding, logos, and layout are all the sole property of Blair Carpenter.

If you made it all the way to the end, congratulations! Thanks for taking the time to read and respect our rights and regulations. Now, let’s get back to the fun stuff.