Write for the Blog!

Shine Daily is first and foremost a community, which means I’d love to feature your writing! Fill out this form with your contact info, story pitch, links to other writings if you have them, and a little bit about you. See our contributor guidelines below for more details.

P.S. this form does not sign you up for our newsletter. If you’d like to be on the newsletter list, sign up here.

As a community-oriented blog, Shine Daily is all about gathering ideas together. If you’re interested in writing for the blog, take a peek around to get a feel for the blog voice and the type of content written here. If you feel you have something unique to share that offers value to our readers, we’d love to hear about it!

Contributor Guidelines

  1. All submissions are subject to approval by Blair Carpenter, the owner and primary author of Shine Daily.

  2. All submissions are subject to edits by Blair before publication to maintain brand voice, integrity, and blogging best practices.

  3. Any original post submissions may not be reposted elsewhere for at least 7 days.

  4. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Any plagiarized posts will not be considered, and any contributors who engage in plagiarism will have all previous content removed. Reposted content will be linked to the original publication. (ex: This post originally appeared as an article on yourblog.com)

  5. Reposted content is allowed, but not encouraged. Original content generates more authentic traffic and is preferable for our readers.

  6. Absolutely no affiliate links allowed.

  7. This is not an academic blog, but citations (links to sources) are highly encouraged!

  8. Posts must be at least 500 words, or of equal informative value.

  9. All images and videos included must not violate any copyrights. Credit for stock images is required.

  10. Sharing the post with your audience (including email subscribers, social media followers, and organic traffic) is highly encouraged, though not required.

What’s Included in My Post?

When you contribute to Shine Daily, it will include…

  • Your name, photo (of your choice), and a brief bio

  • Links to your social media profiles

  • Links to the original post (if applicable)

We will also distribute your blog post to our audience via our marketing channels including Instagram, Pinterest, and email newsletter subscribers.

Why Was My Post Rejected?

Accepted submissions are solely at the discretion of Blair Carpenter. But there are a few common reasons why your post may be rejected:

  • Discriminatory content - Shine Daily is an open and welcoming community and therefore does not accept content that discriminates on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or any other criteria at our discretion.

  • Grammar and punctuation - Pieces that require substantial editing will not be accepted.

  • Brand voice - While some topics may be interesting or engaging, if it doesn’t fit within the brand or in a defined category on the site, your piece may be rejected.

  • Content schedule - A high volume of available content may extend the time before a piece is published, or that it cannot be published in an appropriate timeframe.