A Little About Shine Daily

Hi! I’m Blair - the creator and proprietor of this little corner of the Internet. A little about me: after moving around a lot, I’ve currently landed in Colorado, USA. I’m a trained opera singer, a voracious reader and vintage shopper, and I love most of all learning new things and sharing them with people. My interest trend towards the historic. I often joke that I love old books, old houses, old clothes, and new friends!

In addition to vintage and books (and vintage books!) I have a huge passion for making life more interesting and colorful. Whether by traveling to a new place, hosting a great party, or finding ways to make my house a home, I constantly seek ways to add some oomph to life. What can I say, I find life endlessly interesting!

By day, I work as a Digital Marketing Manager for an agency in Colorado. I work on SEO for my clients all day, then I come home and work on my blog! I love thinking of creative ways to support high-level content with the best possible foundation. On top of this, I’m planning a wedding and performing in the Denver area. You could say I thrive on chaos!

When I say Shine Daily’s mission is to, “shed light,” I mean that in every sense of the phrase. Together, I want to spread joy, whimsy, color, and fun, while also showcasing amazing things our world has to offer. That includes being mindful of our mental and emotional needs, and being thoughtful about the world around us.

While the content trends towards the femme, anyone who likes what’s happening here and wants to hang out is welcome. If you’re looking for a blog where they tolerate dunking, trolling, discrimination, and general meanie behavior…look elsewhere.

Thanks for being here, and thanks for spreading the love 💛