65 Books to Read in Autumn

I am so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.
— L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

Reading a book pairs beautifully with autumn weather. Imagine yourself curled up in your favorite spot, a cup of tea nestled in your sweater-clad arm, book laying open on your lap. A soft creature sleeping nearby while rain patters on the window. Le sigh.

Since autumn is so ideal for reading, I’ve compiled a list of over 5 dozen books to read this autumn. Many of the authors on this list (Stephen King, Agatha Christie, Jane Austen) have a large body of work from which to draw. Also, many of these books are the first in a series. Not all take place specifically in autumn, but they still have the quiet, ghostly atmosphere perfect for the season.

FYI, all recommendations are completely my own, but I may earn a small commission if you purchase a book through a link in this article. Read about my affiliate link policy here.

65 Books to Read in Autumn pinterest pin

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General Fiction Books to Read in Autumn

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Mystery/Thriller Books to Read in Autumn

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YA Fiction Books to Read in Autumn

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